Now that the stimulus money has started really filtering into America's economy, everyone is in agreeance that the economy has halted its decline, jobs are being kept because of money from the stimulus package, people are buying new cars because of the cash for clunkers, and Republicans are forced to admit they were wrong, well not all of them, and take credit for the improvements done to their state.
Maybe after they all go back to their home states and see how much good the stimulus money is doing, they might be a little more lenient on giving their citizens health care as well.
The down side to the 'end of the recession', we are still at war. Although Obama has only been in office for 6 months he has been doing so much, people tend to forget, I think Obama tends to forget, that we are still at war. One of the first things Obama did, as we all asked and expected him to do, was end the war in Iraq. This all happened a lot faster than anyone had anticipated and now the troops are dying in Afghanistan.
When the US first went to war after 9/11, the Military went into Afghanistan and if was apparent that because of the terrain and hidden militia it was very difficult to get anything accomplished. So the Military moved into Iraq, took over their dictatorship government and implemented a democratic government- well not until they vote for their own president, that's when it will get interesting.
So now the military is back in Afghanistan and people are diying. In January, the amount of suicides in the military had reached a record high, 24 in one month, increasing Americans desire not to be in Iraq anymore- not to be at war anymore- but Obama couldn't do that without months of opposition. Since October, 749 soldiers have died in Afganistan and all together 5,065 young American men and women have died for us to be at war.
The economy has stopped declining and it seems as if we're all going to be ok. Obama now needs to get back to the original problem of the US still being at war. After the economic crisis, America needs to get back to caring about America and not killing more American soldiers.
Health care will get passed, homosexual's will get the right to marry, abortion will stay legal- lets not forget about the soldiers we've been raising money for, sending packages to, putting up yellow ribbons for, cheering for in the airports, and being reminded that they are dying for America.

1st Lt. Roslyn L. Schulte
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
Age: 25 years old
Died: May 20, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Air Force, Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces Command, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii
Incident: Died near Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from a makeshift bomb.

Chief Warrant Officer Brent S. Cole
Hometown: Reedsville, West Virginia, U.S.
Age: 38 years old
Died: May 22, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Army, 1st Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Incident: Died when his helicopter went down.
To see all the faces of the fallen soldiers, please click on the link below.
Faces of the Fallen:
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