The United States of America has an African-American president. What does this mean for the African-American community? The spot-light. CNN has been running a special program on being Black in America and the issue of racial discrimination has become just as important a topic as Health Care, Immigration, Terror, and the Economy.
As the first African-American president, Obama has tried his best to be well-spoken, articulate, presentable, mature, and has proven to display impeccable ethics. This is how an African-American man has become president. A few weeks ago, the president spoke at a NAACP (still self-titled 'colored people') event. When I started watching his speech, I swore I could see the Reverend Wright speaking in front of me. At this point he was an African-American person speaking to African-Americans and if that were the way he had spoken throughout his campaign- he would have never been elected.
This brings me to the latest in the Gates controversy. Now the media has brought in the 911 caller- WHY??- she is upset because in the police report it states that she saw 2 black men with backpacks and now she rebukes this statement in fear of being called racist. And why hasn't SHE been invited to have beers with the president- SHE's just as deserving in this case. Frankly I don't think anyone really cares about the caller, what does she have to do with the professors arrest, oh that's right- nothing...
I'm not even sure why these two men are going to the White House- is Obama the almighty equalizer? And why do they have to drink alcohol to solve their problems? Is it because that is just how white cops in Massachusetts solve their problems- over a beer? And what would one want to say to the officer who arrested them in front of their house for yelling racial comments at them? 'Um, I know you were just trying to do your job, but you suck!'
This is the meeting to end all racial discrimination in the United States of America... :/
Racism is probably not going anywhere, at least not the harmless kind of racism. As one of my favorite Broadway Musicals, Avenue Q, puts it 'everyone's a little bit racist'. Why? Because sometimes people perpetuate their stereotypes. Racism will disappear when everyone is the exact same- and who would want that??
Here is the link to the Avenue Q song- its hilarious and kind true when you think about it:
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