The other day a co-worker of mine came into the restaurant complaining about the amount of college level homework she has to do. In the best valley girl voice you can think of: 'Oh my gosh, I am swamped. I have a research paper to do, three more assignments due tomorrow, and a midterm next week'. All I could think was 'ahhh the good ol' days'.
While in college I had the same attitude of feeling burdened by excessive school work. Now that I serve food to annoying complaining customers (well they're not all that bad), I feel as if my brain is deteriorating. I would give anything to do a research paper, learn about a new culture, or discuss the ethical ramifications of peoples actions. You know that saying 'you never know what you've got till it's gone'- that couldn't be more true for me now.
5 years of critical thinking, studying for tests, and learning new information- now I'm left with a piece of paper in a pretty frame, $12,000 in debt, and I smell like food...
That's where you all come in- thank you- even if this is your first time reading this blog or you've been keeping tabs since I've started, I have you to thank for keeping my mind going- giving me something to think about, something to learn more about, something to comment about- keeping my brain sharp for the wonderful day when someone wants to pay me to use it- not just ask if you would like fries or coleslaw.
'Why not go back to school and get your Masters Michelle?' Nice thought hu? I would love to but without a full time job the prospect of adding thousands of dollars to my already consuming debt, doesn't seem like the best plan. Even if I did get my Masters, then I'd be too qualified for the positions I want.
As for politics, nothing special going on- Palin is leaving (Finally and hopefully for good!), Swine flu spreads quickly but still hasn't killed as many people as the seasonal flu does, Republicans don't want socialized health care, political leaders are corrupt, Michael Jackson took a lot of drugs, and people died.
Personally, I'm just waiting for Kieth Olberman to come back- somehow Howard Dean just doesn't do it for me.
You make a good point, but to be fair not all college students take advantage of the critical thinking oppurtunities they have. Unlike yourself (and, I like to think, me), a lot of people just use college as a way to kill time until they have to get a job. A lot of girls are just going for their MRS degree, sometimes shockingly directly. The trick I think after college is to find ways to keep your brain stimulated, much like you are, and I think reading, books, newspapers, anything not too trashy, is really key to avoiding brain sludge. I don't think you have to worry though, your writing is of an impressively high caliber.
ReplyDeleteI would give anything to do a research paper, learn about a new culture, or discuss the ethical ramifications of peoples actions. You know that saying 'you never know what you've got till it's gone'- that couldn't be more true for me now.
ReplyDeleteSo stop complaining and read a book. It's really not that hard to educate yourself. Rambling about nothing on a blog isn't going to keep your mind sharp. Taking your own initiative to, as you put it, "learn about a new culture or discuss the ethical ramifications of peoples actions" is going to keep your sharp. Who cares if a research paper isn't actually an assigned task? Make it your own personal assignment to research something you're interested in, and stop acting like after only a few years out of college you've reached some kind of Nirvana and now have an understanding of the benefits of education that cannot be paralleled by anyone in their undergrad.