Between the failed attempt to get vengeance for 9/11 and an unjustified war on a foreign county, I'm not surprised to read that the "Defense" Department has been paying millions of dollars to invalid account through their 'Defense Civilian Pay System' raising questions about the oversight of the Defense Departments $148 billion employee salary budget. Let me break the numbers down for you: $15.4 million deposited into invalid accounts, 98 social security numbers that were never issued by the Social Security office (including ones with all zeros), $905,000 paid to deceased employees, $2.3 million dollars paid to 1,921 account to employees who were listed as being younger than 14 years old, and $11.9 million deposited into 16 account for 186 different employees.
Now the word defense refers to 'protection from harm', although this government department did not 'harm' anyone, what is going on here? I can understand that it is difficult to manage a payroll of $148 billion dollars but there is no excuse for invalid social secuirty numbers or payment to deceased individuals. How impersonal is the Defence Department to not even know when one of their employees have passed away. In addition, these are civillian employees, what do all these people do for the defence departments? What are they paying $14 BILLION dollars for?? How are their 1,921 employees under 14?? What are they doing, keeping an eye on the other kids in high school to make sure they dont blow something up? With all of these payroll errors, how does the defence department know that Employee # 11432 isn't working for Russia, or worse a terrorist organization? The article highlights that the lost amount of $15.4 million is only a small amount when compaired to the total of $14 billion, tell that to the people who are paying 30% of their income to the government, maybe they have a different opinion on what a small amount is.
It's nice to see Washington clean up- we have a new ethical, moral, upstanding president, more and more senators are being exposed for infidelity, the former administration is being looked at more scrupulously, and crooked financial institutions have realized that scaming people with no money just to make a HUGE profit is probably not the best idea. Now its time to look at more and more factions of our American government and close the gaps where American's money is leaking through. Maybe if they fix the payroll at the Defense Department I can keep an extra $5 on the taxes that come out of my paycheck... get some ice cream with my friend SS# 000-00-0000
To read the CNN article please click below:
Hummmm, that's funny, I can't seem to find the article anywhere on Fox news, that's so weird...
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