Tuesday, December 1, 2009
As the War Turns
As conservative and liberals all weigh in on President Obama’s decision, I can’t help but think about what everyone would say if Obama were to announce the opposite strategy:
“Today, I announce the withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan within the next six months- we will turn our focus to American’s at home and use our resources to better the lives of the people living and struggling in this great country. We will continue to promote the stability of the Afghan government but the toll this war has taken on our country has been immeasurable and has to come to an end.”
My words are not as eloquent or suave as President Obama’s might have been- maybe cheers would have filled Westpoint, as relieved soldiers hugged their families knowing that they will not be put in harms way against an unclear enemy in a corrupt nation. Maybe they could start to think about their lives finally continuing, not being afraid of even their own comrades turning on them or their fellow soldiers turning on themselves.
This is not what happened- instead the American people get AT LEAST two more years of American flag draped coffins, staggering numbers of soldier suicide, fear, and a room full on droopy eyed young adults having to call their loved ones and say they love them and goodbye for what could be the last time. All for the fear that if this is not done that America is vulnerable to another attack like the one we all experienced on 9/11.
Does this also mean two more years of unfathomably climbing debt? Two more years of increasing job loss? Two more years of American hunger, disease, under education, and strife?
And what if it doesn’t work? What if 2011 comes and goes with American soldiers still fighting and dying? What if this great nation continues to collapse onto its self and dig its self into a hole we can not climb out of? Worst yet- what if we ARE attacked and we only have 20,000 troops here in America to help?
We will have FIVE TIMES more troops on our offensive line than we will on our defensive line- and this makes us some how less vulnerable to attack- less likely to live in fear- more prepared to fight?
With so many questions and less answers- Obama is acting more like a pastor asking us all to drink his special blend of cool aid. (Now that might be extreme but it was the best example I could come up with, bear with me)
FAITH- have FAITH cries Obama- BELIEVE what I say- I KNOW I am making the right decision-
Not that any of us really have a say- not like anything we could do would change his mind and find a way to not be at war any more. Flex our intellectual strength, create a strong display of scientific discovery, show mortality rates increase and literacy becoming wide spread.
So now the American people have to believe in this, very un’CHANGE’d, decision that I could see John McCain or former President Bush making. This is NOT the Change I believe in.
But I’m an American and he is our President. We’re continuing this war in hopes that it will stabilize an unstabilizable nation, bring Afghanistan to a place where we could leave and not feel guilty about being there is the first place. Bring our troops home to a nation not in turmoil- a nation prospering and offering education and job opportunity. By the end of President Obama’s first term, we will look back on this decision (as we do now about the Iraq surge) and know it was for the better and that we are not only safer but better off having sent more troops to Afghanistan.
Somehow, I’m still afraid for the people of America- not from foreign attack but from spontaneously imploding onto ourselves- and Obama being blamed.
He’s a good person, a good president between a rock and a hard place- and that’s where he remains with this decision- stuck…
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday's With Politics- Getting Down To Business
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wilson Apologies for Being Right
As soon as his outburst was finished, the room erupted in boos and disapproval. If one wants to agree with the President during a speech, that person stands and applauds the President, if someone wants to disapprove they sit in their chair quietly with their arms crossed. Mind you these are the same people who employed others to disrupt town hall meeting, with loud shouting and rude behavior, lead by their colleagues in hopes that this will be too much and people will just drop the issue all together. Maybe he just took advise from his own party on how to handle his disapproval- whats the point of actual intellectual conversation, it never got anyone anywhere...
So Wilson apologized but he apologized like a 9 year old- "President, I'm sorry for yelling at you during your speech- however, you know you are totally wrong and I am totally right"
Haha! Now people want him to apologize publicly and he says "Nope, one is enough. The punishment fits the crime and I apologized to the person I did wrong against". What is wrong with this statement? He needs to go back in time and apologize to the founding fathers of this country, he did not simply yell out at the Executive of a large organization during a fundraising event- he did not send a strongly worded letter to the most prestigious scientist in the world- he shouted out 'YOU LIE' to the President of the United States of America- his Commander in Chief, the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN AMERICA. And to him one apology is enough.
That is not to mention he has made a mockery of our entire legislative system...
Mr. Wilson does not have to apologize for his display of rudeness toward the president- he's going to pay for it! Already his opponent has raised significant amount of money simply based on the fact that the other guy is an idiot. His opponent didn't even have to campaign yet!
I believe in the justice system, I believe in the legislative system, and I'm beginning to believe in the executive system as well. I believe that people will see this as a blaten disrespect for someone who is simply just trying to make peoples live better and choose not to re-elect Wilson to office. I believe that Wilson will get his justice for his ignorance and bigotry.
So he may not really be sorry- he may not apologize- but he will be on his hands and knees when he can no longer enjoy the plush life of a Representative and will be forever known as the guy who shouted at the President 'YOU LIE'.
If only there were more Joe Wilsons in the previous administration- may Bush would have had to actually apologize for something... maybe not :(
P.S. I just heard the President make excuses for this rude behavior on the radio- what a nice guy!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Gentlemen: Start Your Engines- Here We Go Again!!
On Tuesday, the President will address the youth of America- emphasizing the importance of education, studying hard, being a productive member of society, and respecting their teachers/ parents.
What? Why? And why now? Oh that's right- his approval rating is slipping because of all this health care non-sense. Only 55% of Americans 'approve' of how Obama is doing in the office of the Presidency. Something MUST be done- hum, should he feed the homeless? maybe play baseball with some orphans, oh oh I got it- he'll address the kids in his most dynamic and charismatic way- that'll get them coming back. Ohhhhh and we'll do it on the first day back at school- get started running.
With this brilliant plan in place, I think Obama's team tended to forget how controversial his policies are at the moment. Although his message is said to be 'health care' free and not out to push any political agenda- this is ALL the president is concerned about right now. He stays popular, his policies get passed. This is not to say that the very unpopular previous president got stupid legislation passed even with an approval rating of around 35%- Obama can only be effective if he is liked.
One of the arguments I heard on the radio today is that it is up to the teachers to lead meaningful and well organized discussions with their students- to digest what is said so that the students have a well-rounded unbiased opinion of politics- what the administration forgets is on the first day of school the teachers just met their students, they are trying to establish a report, their lesson plan and rules, and the last thing they want to think about is coming up with a new discussion based on a speech they are going to be able to read the day before? Effective, very effective :/ Even if the best and brightest teachers lead very meaningful discussions that speak to their students, at the end of the day they go home to their parents...
This is where the educated meaningful understanding conversation should take place- at home. However, some parents are outraged that the President of the United States of America wants to address their kids- how dare he push his political agenda on our youth, he is just trying to recruit them to convince their parents to give 47+ million people a chance to live a healthy life without crushing medical bills. That socialist prick!!
Well there you go, that's the answer- shield your children from any opinion that is different from your own- other opinions are dangerous and might lead to questions and we just can't have that coming out of our school children.
On the morning of 9/11 I walked to my friends house down the street- at this time I found out that a plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center- not really knowing what that was being 14 years old- we hoped into the car and got to school. Everyone was a bit of a buzz but I made it to my first class at 8am. Our English teacher had made the educated decision that education was more important than watching whatever was going on in the news. We did our lesson plan and about 50 minutes later when we were let out of class, we were the only ones in the quad. Everyone else was in their classrooms glued to the television as they watched the destruction continue. I ran to my next class and got caught up on what was going on- after about an hour I called my dad to come pick me up and take me home, bursting into tears in the car.
I will never forget that day and I will never forget my teachers decision to choose education over the news, especially that event. At the time I'm sure he did not realize the magnitude of the situation and might regret the decision as well but it will always effect me.
Obviously this is a very different situation but my point is that if we shield our youth from politics and the outside world, it is only harming them and if anything disconnecting them from politics. This isn't China. This opportunity- although very political to improve Obama's ratings before congress goes back into session to debate health care- is a great opportunity for the youth of America to finally have a role model who isn't looking to wage an unjust undemocratic greedy war.
So he'll give his speech, some kids will still have ignorant parents, and some teachers will have great discussions with their new students- starting the year off strong. Then congress will be back in session and we'll see how it all goes- health care? no health care? public option? no public option? It'll be interesting and we'll be around to watch what happens :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm Back... And Not Much Has Changed
Although I welcomed the disconnect, I took it as a social experiment in living the life of one who could care less about what goes on in the world outside of their own experiences. I somewhat expected to come back to reality having missed a plethora of important news stories, feeling shocked to learn all that had happened while I was hiking half way to half dome. When I returned, the first thing I heard was that another Kennedy had died and that California was once again on fire. After returning home, I jumped right into serving people food for lunch, and dinner the next day- breakfast, lunch, and dinner- breakfast, registering guests for a wedding, and then making sure the wedding went smoothly.
Today was my first real day back into reality- ran all my errands, cleaned my car, and watched Kieth Olberman and Rachel Maddow. What a great day! So what had I missed??? Hum, people are still arguing about health care and all the politicians are still on vacation- some sick guy held girls in captivity- a DJ overdosed- mother nature is still kicking our butts- the Michael Jackson case is still full of questions and inquiry- and I still don't have a job.
So, nothing happened... nothing new, nothing surprising, nothing exciting, nothing shocking, nothing really news worthy. Republicans are still saying stupid things and people are still dying. What does this whole experiment teach me? Stop watching the news- what's the point really? Someone will tell me if something that affects me happens? Right? WRONG!! Why do I love the news? Not for times when nothing is happening- which is often, news can get stale, but for the times you are glued to the TV or talking to all your friends and family because you just can't believe what has happened!!
All in all, I am happy nothing happened, I am glad to come back to the world almost the same as I left it- more relaxed and a little sore but I could have predicted all that has happened and I'm ok with that. Now if something interesting happens, I'll be around to let everyone know how much I agree or disagree with it- that is the fun part.
So stick around for something exciting to happen- it might be tomorrow or next week but believe me, it'll happen!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Media Feud for the Better
Friday, August 7, 2009
Bill Clinton Awakes From Nap and Saves Journalists?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Helium Articles
I Smell A Rat
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Obama Wins a Battle at the Expense of Losing the War
1st Lt. Roslyn L. Schulte
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
Age: 25 years old
Died: May 20, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Air Force, Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces Command, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii
Incident: Died near Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from a makeshift bomb.
Chief Warrant Officer Brent S. Cole
Hometown: Reedsville, West Virginia, U.S.
Age: 38 years old
Died: May 22, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Army, 1st Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Incident: Died when his helicopter went down.
Senior Airman Ashton L. M. Goodman
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.
Age: 21 years old
Died: May 26, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Air Force, 43rd Logistics Readiness Squadron, Pope Air Force Base, N.C.
Incident: Killed by a makeshift bomb.
Lt. Col. Mark E. Stratton II
Hometown: Houston, Texas, U.S.
Age: 39 years old
Died: May 26, 2009 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Air Force, Joint Staff, Pentagon, Air Force
Incident: Killed by a makeshift bomb.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
We're All A Little Bit Racist
As the first African-American president, Obama has tried his best to be well-spoken, articulate, presentable, mature, and has proven to display impeccable ethics. This is how an African-American man has become president. A few weeks ago, the president spoke at a NAACP (still self-titled 'colored people') event. When I started watching his speech, I swore I could see the Reverend Wright speaking in front of me. At this point he was an African-American person speaking to African-Americans and if that were the way he had spoken throughout his campaign- he would have never been elected.
This brings me to the latest in the Gates controversy. Now the media has brought in the 911 caller- WHY??- she is upset because in the police report it states that she saw 2 black men with backpacks and now she rebukes this statement in fear of being called racist. And why hasn't SHE been invited to have beers with the president- SHE's just as deserving in this case. Frankly I don't think anyone really cares about the caller, what does she have to do with the professors arrest, oh that's right- nothing...
I'm not even sure why these two men are going to the White House- is Obama the almighty equalizer? And why do they have to drink alcohol to solve their problems? Is it because that is just how white cops in Massachusetts solve their problems- over a beer? And what would one want to say to the officer who arrested them in front of their house for yelling racial comments at them? 'Um, I know you were just trying to do your job, but you suck!'
This is the meeting to end all racial discrimination in the United States of America... :/
Racism is probably not going anywhere, at least not the harmless kind of racism. As one of my favorite Broadway Musicals, Avenue Q, puts it 'everyone's a little bit racist'. Why? Because sometimes people perpetuate their stereotypes. Racism will disappear when everyone is the exact same- and who would want that??
Here is the link to the Avenue Q song- its hilarious and kind true when you think about it:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My Brain After College
While in college I had the same attitude of feeling burdened by excessive school work. Now that I serve food to annoying complaining customers (well they're not all that bad), I feel as if my brain is deteriorating. I would give anything to do a research paper, learn about a new culture, or discuss the ethical ramifications of peoples actions. You know that saying 'you never know what you've got till it's gone'- that couldn't be more true for me now.
5 years of critical thinking, studying for tests, and learning new information- now I'm left with a piece of paper in a pretty frame, $12,000 in debt, and I smell like food...
That's where you all come in- thank you- even if this is your first time reading this blog or you've been keeping tabs since I've started, I have you to thank for keeping my mind going- giving me something to think about, something to learn more about, something to comment about- keeping my brain sharp for the wonderful day when someone wants to pay me to use it- not just ask if you would like fries or coleslaw.
'Why not go back to school and get your Masters Michelle?' Nice thought hu? I would love to but without a full time job the prospect of adding thousands of dollars to my already consuming debt, doesn't seem like the best plan. Even if I did get my Masters, then I'd be too qualified for the positions I want.
As for politics, nothing special going on- Palin is leaving (Finally and hopefully for good!), Swine flu spreads quickly but still hasn't killed as many people as the seasonal flu does, Republicans don't want socialized health care, political leaders are corrupt, Michael Jackson took a lot of drugs, and people died.
Personally, I'm just waiting for Kieth Olberman to come back- somehow Howard Dean just doesn't do it for me.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Health Care and Salt... Kinda
Nutrition Facts |
Serving Size 22 oz (616.0 g) |
Amount Per Serving |
Calories 1170 Calories from Fat 513 |
% Daily Value* |
Total Fat 57.0g 88% |
Saturated Fat 16.0g 80% |
Cholesterol 590mg 197% |
Sodium 4200mg 175% |
Total Carbohydrates 109.0g 36% |
Dietary Fiber 5.0g 20% |
Protein 52.0g |
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet |
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Power of the Internet
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Drink age to 18 with a 'Drinking Lisence'??
With all this talk about Health Care, one thing most people agree on is that prevention and education are the best tools for ensuring a more healthy population. Put down the Cheedos and hop on a bike- and all that jazz.
In the same light I recently read an article in TIME magazine (when I still had the money to have a subscription) about Presidents of the most prestigious Universities calling for reform to the drinking age. They are at the forefront of a growing problem with under aged drinking at college. The solution they say- lowering the drinking age to 18 AND requiring all 'drinkers' to take courses in drinking and receive a 'drinking license'.
Interesting idea, but will this really calm the over active hormones and freedoms that run rampant from freshman to about junior year of college? Not likely. The health center hands out free condoms and every child that goes to public school receives sex education- do college students still get pregnant and STDs ??
Maybe prevention and education are the best answers- maybe people are going to do whatever it is they want to do no matter what (for the most part ;)
Land of the Free and Heavily Taxed
Monday, July 20, 2009
Housing complex owners vote to ban smoking -- inside homes!
This is weird for me as I grew up in California and my memories begin right about the early 90s. I do remember visiting my grandparents in New York and being ostracized from the rest of the restaurant and hidden behind wooden bars- I suppose to keep the smoke in. More recently there have been bans of smoking in apartment complexes, as the smoke goes through the air system and into non-smokers apartments. Not that there would be any more toxins in the air than if that person were to walk outside in LA and breath, its still a good excuse.
When you really come to think about it, smoking is gross. It makes you smell gross, it makes you look gross, it makes you feel gross- you get my point. What is even grosser than smoking is smoking indoors, both my parents smoke indoors and everything is always all yellow, sticky, and smelly. My sister rented an apartment where the previous owner had smoked inside, even though they 'painted' over it, every time she took a shower the ceiling would drip tar. Disgusting, right?
To keep with the spirit of indoor smoking being gross, think about the people you know who smoke indoors- they're kinda gross too. So if you are living in a housing development and someone moves it and smokes inside, not only does your house smell if you share a wall, trying to sell the property would be hard, and you have to live next to someone who is gross. I think every complex should have the same ban and I am surprised that not all states at least don't allow it in restaurants. I would say that air planes are the only place nation wide where you can't smoke, no matter what, which is awesome! Just imagine sitting on a 5 hour plan ride next go a guy who light up every 1/2 an hour- ew!
So the point to my story is that a housing complex in Eau Claire, Wisconsin has decided to ban smoking inside of people's home. The controversy? Even though no one who lives in the complex smokes, they don't think what one does in the privacy of their own home is their own business. Impeding on people's rights? Not really, if you don't like it, don't move there. Personally I think they should ban smoking everywhere public- you can smoke on a slab behind the Wal Mart, that's it...
Here is the link to the article, where you can also read about 'Moments in Life' in Eau Claire, WI and get $100 tickets to
Bud Light's Country Jam Festival... YEHAW!!